Sachiko i Oliveros

Amb aquestes dues artistes, podem veure dos estil diferents d’executar música experimental, o electrònica, o contemporània, o pot ser inclús inclassificable. La primera usa diversos aparells electrònics, com ara samplers, per a treballar amb sons propis, que ella mateixa genera amb el seu maquinari; la segona usa un acordió, un instrument amb qualitats sonores ben diferents. Inclús la posada en escena és diferent, mentre que la primera és fosca i inquietant, amb una il·luminació freda, la segona apareix en un escenari habitual, ben il·luminat i envoltada d’instruments clàssics. No es pot obviar que les dues són de generacions ben diferents, Sachiko M va néixer en un mon electrònic, mentre que quan Pauline Oliveros va començar la seva carrera musical, la electrònica era un ciència incipient.

Sachiko M has been active as a sampler player since 1994. Early in her career she was involved in the cut-up and “plunderphonic” (or “plagiaristic”) sampling movements. In ’98, in a drastic departure from those approaches, she originated the revolutionary method she uses to this day–manipulating the sampler’s internal test tones. With the 2000 release of Sine Wave Solo, her extreme solo recording consisting entirely of sine waves, Sachiko M suddenly became the focus of intense interest on the international scene, including European music festivals and Britain’s Wire magazine. Since then she’s been active on an irregular basis in a number of projects–including the experimental electronic music duo Filament, the electronics trio I.S.O., a duo with Toshimaru Nakamura, and the duo Cosmos with Ami Yoshida–in addition to collaborating with various musicians from other countries. Two of the solo projects she’s currently working on are the live performance series Bar Sachiko and the sound installation I’m Here.

Sachiko M’s radical stance consistently draws interest and provokes debate.

Pauline Oliveros (born May 30, 1932, Houston, Texas) is an American accordionist and composer who is a central figure in the development of post-war electronic art music.

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